The Commonwealth 荣誉项目 at 十大网赌信誉平台 is designed to provide academically talented students with the opportunity to enrich their college experience with courses both within and outside their major department. Courses bearing the ‘Honors’ designation are drawn 从广泛的学科, 并且被设计为密集和智力挑战, 利用和发展学生的创造力和分析思维能力.

First-year students are selected for the 荣誉项目 based on their high school curriculum, 重新计算平均绩点, 并在大学水平上表现出卓越学术工作的潜力.
Transfer students in academic good standing in the Commonwealth 荣誉项目 at another Massachusetts public institution automatically meet the 荣誉项目 selection standards.
Matriculated students not initially selected to participate in the 荣誉项目 may request selection after completing at least one semester of coursework (minimum of 3 course credits) at 弗雷明汉 State with a minimum GPA of 3.20. Matriculated students are not eligible for 荣誉项目 selection after completing five (5) or more general education course credits. A brief statement of intent and an unofficial transcript must be presented to the 教师 Director of the 荣誉项目 by January 10 (to join Honors program in spring) or June 10 (to join Honors program in fall).
Students in the Commonwealth 荣誉项目 have the opportunity to choose courses, 设计为密集和智力挑战, 从广泛的学科. Honors students have priority registration, which means they are almost never closed out of a course! General Education honors courses draw upon and develop students' creativity and analytical thinking skills. 因为这些班级的入学人数通常较少, 学生与老师有更多的互动和深入的课堂讨论, 这有助于培养密切的师生关系.
Incoming first-year students who qualify for the 荣誉项目 (see 项目要求) receive an annual scholarship, 哪个是由招生办公室决定的. 其他特殊奖学金也可以通过该项目获得, 哪些节日庆祝学生的学业成就.
There is a designated floor in one of the residential dorms for 荣誉项目 students. The floor will include a Resident Advisor, who is usually an upper-class Honors student. (注意:荣誉课程的学生不是必须选择这一层.)
学生可以进入位于亚当斯路22号的荣誉课程宿舍. This is a wonderful place for students to gather to study, talk or just relax among friends. The house has WiFi access, a television, a printer, a small refrigerator, and a microwave.
荣誉课程每年为学生举办/赞助几项活动. 每年秋天,荣誉课程的一年级学生都会有一个静修会. Other events have included theatre trips to Boston, apple picking, a movie night and more!
There are also opportunities for Honors students to participate in a Study Aboard program and work as a supplemental course instructor on campus. 除了, 每年春天, 该项目为学生举办晚宴, 教员和论文导师,学术成就得到认可. Juniors and Seniors are lauded by their thesis advisors and presented with their 荣誉项目 sash and pin for graduation.
Honors students who complete the program will be recognized at graduation and on their undergraduate transcripts as Commonwealth Honors Scholars. 十大网赌信誉平台 is a member of the statewide Commonwealth 荣誉项目, 全国大学荣誉委员会, 以及东北地区大学荣誉委员会. Graduate and professional schools recognize the academic accomplishment of students completing the Program.
Participants in the 十大网赌信誉平台 荣誉项目 must complete a minimum of six (6) course credits bearing the honors designation, including a RAMS First-Year Seminar with an Honors designation (HNRS) and the honors capstone course HNRS 480 荣誉项目 Thesis/Project. All students must complete a minimum of three (3) courses with the honors designation at 十大网赌信誉平台, 包括HNRS 480荣誉课程论文/项目.
作为继续参加荣誉课程的条件, 大一或大二学生的GPA必须不低于3分.00 overall; a junior or senior must maintain a GPA of 3.20或以上. 此外,学生的最低成绩必须达到B (3).00) in each honors course (including the thesis) in order to count toward the program requirements. Students may not go more than one semester without taking an Honors course prior to the completion of first-year and program elective requirements, 但可以等待参加HNRS 480荣誉课程论文/项目而不受处罚.
Most honors courses are specially designed sections of regular 100 and 200 level general education courses that also may be applied toward general education requirements. 然而, Students may choose to substitute one (1) upper-division course in their major program of study (300- or 400-level) for one of the elective Honors courses by submitting an honors contract in which the student and instructor devise or enhance a project within the course emphasizing advanced, 对某一特定课题的独立研究.
The capstone experience of the 荣誉项目 is the directed study Senior 荣誉论文 conducted under the direction of a faculty supervisor.
All 荣誉项目 seniors are required to publicly present the results of their thesis projects. 演示文稿的选项包括, 马萨诸塞州本科生研究会议在阿默斯特举行, held annually for students enrolled in the Commonwealth's public colleges and universities, FSU CELTSS“学生研究与创新实践会议”, 以及部门研究日.
Copies of the Senior 荣誉论文 will be archived in 十大网赌信誉平台's Whittemore 图书馆 and in the 荣誉项目 Center.
请按连结- 荣誉课程表格 -获取有关高级荣誉论文的更多信息.