大学社区俱乐部(UCC)坐落在美丽的十大网赌信誉平台 Warren Conference Center & Inn provides access to social, cultural, recreational, 以及为弗雷明汉州立社区成员和当地居民提供教育机会. Located in Ashland, MA, the Warren Conference Center & Inn sits on over 100 wooded lakefront acres, with access to hiking trails, tennis/pickleball courts, athletics fields, and more. 在我们进入第三季之际,我们非常激动地向大家介绍 Henry's Place,一个餐厅和俱乐部,提供美味的餐饮菜单和齐全的酒吧.
Link to download UCC APP:
IOS: http://apps.apple.com/us/app/university-community-club/id6563146696
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.migym.com.University_Community_Clubs

University Community Club
- Administrative Offices
- An AASCU Institution
- Board of Trustees
- Careers at FSU
Centers & Institutes
Center for Digital Humanities
- Center for Early Childhood Education
- Center of Inclusive Excellence
- 克里斯塔·麦考利夫综合科学学习中心
- 克里斯·沃尔什教育和家庭中心
- Civic Engagement and Service Learning Center
- Entrepreneur Innovation Center
- John C. Stalker Institute for Food & Nutrition
- Mancuso Humanities Workforce Preparation Center
- MetroWest College Planning Collaborative
- MetroWest Economic Research Center
- MetroWest STEM Education Network
- The Danforth Museum at Framingham State
- Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement
- History
- Office of the President
- News & Events
- Campus Map and Directions
- Transportation Services
- University Community Club
Learn More About the UCC
Membership Information
大学社区俱乐部的会员资格向FSU社区的所有成员和阿什兰的居民开放. Sign up now! 一个四口之家的会员资格很好,包括免费使用停车场, tennis/pickleball courts, disc golf, and hiking trails. 其他会员福利,如游艇租赁和社交活动,将包括额外费用.
Membership Costs:
Membership to the University Community Club is just $125 annually, which is good for a family of four.
你不能打败这个巨大的价值,在许多产品的财产. If you search other clubs across Massachusetts, 你会发现价格往往要高得多,而且通常还包括额外的停车费.
Sign up for your membership today!
Club members will receive access to our new scheduling software,它提供24/7的访问租用,调度和浏览UCC所提供的. 在舒适的家中或办公室工作场所享受轻松的日程安排. 该系统还将发送已安排活动的提醒, help with marketing new social events, 并发送即时通知,如果有东西被取消或移动.
Credits: Each member will receive 30 “FREE” credits per month. 积分将用于安排时间参加会员资格自带的免费活动,如飞盘高尔夫球, tennis and pickleball.
Membership Benefits
UCC members enjoy access to hundreds of acres of Ashland State Park, plus additional recreational opportunities, including: watercraft rentals to explore the reservoir; social events like wine tastings and poker nights; sports facility rentals for tennis, pickleball, and disc golf; as well as group fitness classes to stay fit with friends.
UCC Parking
一个新的停车场现在在沃伦会议中心开放 & 为大学社团俱乐部成员保留的旅店. The cost for parking is included in your membership fee.
- 大学社区俱乐部是否由学生支付学费? 不,学生的学费不用于支持沃伦会议中心的运营 & 酒店(WCC)或大学社区俱乐部,包括偿债费用. 所有WCC的运营成本由租赁收入和, in the case of the UCC, 运营费用也将从会费和活动费用中得到支持.
- Do I need to reserve tennis, pickle ball or disc golf? Yes, all activities on property need proper reservation. 使用您的会员积分预订这三(3)项活动,无需额外收费. 预订允许我们跟踪会员福利的使用情况.
- What is a “CREDIT”? “信用”是一种简单的付款形式,你将使用在网球场和泡菜球场预订时间, along with disc golf. 会员登录Esoft planner网站,使用预加载的积分进行预订. 积分包含在您的会员资格中,无需额外费用.
- 如果我没有用完每月的信用额度,它们会转到下个月吗? No, credits do not roll over month to month. 在每个月的开始,所有的贷项都被续期到原来的金额.
- 我可以租用船只、网球场和泡菜球场超过一小时吗? All rentals are limited to one (1) hour, except disc golf, 让所有会员都能享受会员的福利. We thank you for your understanding.
- How can I rent a watercraft? You first need to be a University Community Club member, 从那里,你只需登录到你的账户并预订. Here is the client/member site- Member Login.
- What times can watercraft be rented? 周四至周日下午9点至5点可以租用游艇. 所有船只的最后下水时间为下午4点,以便妥善清理和存放船只.
- How old do you need to be to rent a watercraft? You must be 17 years or older to reserve/rent a kayak.
- Do you have to wear a lifejacket? We provide the required lifejacket with all watercraft rentals; however, if you would like to use your personal lifejacket, you are welcome to do so.
- What do I need to bring if renting a watercraft? 我们建议用防水袋装贵重物品和防晒霜,其余的我们会提供!
- If it’s raining, will you still rent watercraft? 安全是我们所有尊贵会员的首要任务. 如果预报有大雨、大风或闪电,我们当天将不开放船只租赁服务. 由于恶劣天气而取消的通知将通过您注册会员时使用的电子邮件发送. Please also check your spam folder.
- Can I launch my own watercraft from the beach? YES! 我们欢迎您携带自己的皮艇、独木舟或桨板到海滩!
Facilities and Amenities

租一艘皮艇,桨板或独木舟,享受美丽的时光 Ashland Reservoir with friends and family, or bring your own watercraft!
只有大学社区俱乐部的成员才能在沃伦中心的网球场和匹克球场预订时间, as well as the brand new 9-hole disc golf course. If you’ve never tried pickleball or disc golf,这是你了解为什么它们是美国发展最快的两项运动的机会!
会员可免费使用所有体育设施. Members will be able to reserve time to play on our ESOFT platform 使用每月将提供的30个免费“积分”.
Looking to improve your physical and mental health? The University Community Club will host yoga classes, Pilates and other forms of fitness and wellness classes. 如果你不喜欢上课,Warren Center酒店很方便 Ashland State Park and its hundreds of acres of hiking trails. Get in shape while surrounded by nature!
All classes will be available to view online.
大学社区俱乐部全年为会员举办各种活动, such as fitness classes, tennis and pickleball lessons, wine tastings, and dinner clubs. 我们将寻找俱乐部成员告诉我们他们想看什么. Members are able to view events and register on the Here